You may not realize it, but your home is infested with little vampires. No, we’re not talking about the Twilight box set you just bought, we’re talking about your mobile phone charger, your TV, your Blu-ray player, your subwoofer and God knows how many other devices that spend at least half of their lifetime plugged in, even when you aren’t using them. So what’s the big deal? Well, it turns out these “vampire” devices are responsible for a huge amount of wasted energy; and if your inner environmentalist isn’t moved, then consider the fact that they are slowly but surely sipping money right out of your wallet. But it doesn’t have to be this way. A few simple changes can save you money, take pressure of the grid and instantly end the threat of global warming. Ok, maybe we exaggerated a little on that last one; but cutting these little suckers off is a worthwhile endeavor, no matter how you slice it. Here’s what you need to know about vampire power and how you can stop it.